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I went to Yahiko shrine! 

I think that I’ve been going there too much lately haha.

Today’s weather was awesome! Sunny and clear sky!

I haven’t looked at the autumn colors. But, I felt autumn. I want to look at the autumn leaves and chrysanthemums next time🍁

In addition, I looked at rare clouds! Rainbow clouds! It's hard to tell from the picture, but it was beautiful.

Maybe good Something good will happen!🤭

Today was a good day!

Thank you : D


  1. I've never been to Yahiko Shrine and your blog makes me want to go. Also, rainbow clouds are so beautiful!

    1. Thank you comment!! I'm glad to say it!

  2. I like looking sky! Photos you took are really beautiful and I got healing!

    1. Thank you comment! I like looking sky too! I will put a photo of the sky on my next blog :D

  3. Hello.I'm Yu. I really surprised that I haven't seen such beautiful clouds before!! And your plan to see autumn flowers is sound nice!

    1. Thank you comment!! I think watching such clouds was a miracle…!

  4. I have never seen rainbow clouds! It's beautiful! I'm looking forword to hearing about your next trip!!

    1. Thank you comment!! I will write about it on my blog!

  5. このコメントは投稿者によって削除されました。




about me

   Hello! I'm Nanako Sakai. Please call me Nana. I'm an international studies of regional development student. I'm interested in culture, languages, and so on.  I was born and grew up in Niigata. I like nature. Niigata is rich in nature. My favorite place in this prefecture is the Yahiko shrine.  That place has a lot of memories for me. When I was a preschooler, I used to go there with my grandmother and grandfather, and go there for field trips at nursery school. When I was in elementary school, there were mountain climbing events at school. When I was in junior high school and high school student, I went there when I wanted to refresh myself. These days, It's been a long time I took the ropeway to the top! I'm glad to go there. I want to go there to look at the autumn colors.  I have some hobbies. Especially, I like listening to music. My favorite K-pop singer group is SEVENTEEN. Recently, I often listen to BLACK PINK. I also listen to many other groups. In additi

SOL#5 plant food 🌱

I did a little research about vegetarian food and plant-based food after hearing in Tuesday's class. So, I am going to write about some of the restaurants I have been to and recommend that I would like to visit. First, I recommend the restaurant is MATERIAL CAFE! It is located in Bandai City. The restaurant is famous for pancakes and curry.  The photo is a MIX plate. There are curry, a pancake, salad, and soup. It is so delicious, worth eating, and good value! In addition, There are a lot of healthy menus! I haven't gone out to eat recently and would like to😄 And, There are a lot of salad menus! https://www.week.co.jp/postpic/59357/ https://popo3.jp/archives/754 I didn't eat these menus. However, these look so delicious!! Second, I will write about restaurants which I would like to visit.  1. MY NAME IS ICE CREAM    It is located in Fulumachi. The shop serves plant-based ice cream. It is made with 100% plant-based ingredients, without milk, honey, or eggs. https://things-n

[Unit project1] That artifacts which have supported our growth and unchanged for six years

My artifact is a randoseru. Randoseru is a school bag used by elementary school students in Japan. Please look at the picture. The form is like a backpack. It is made of leather. The color is dark light blue. The color is like a draemon which is a character in Japanese anime. There are flower embroideries in some places. For example, in front of it, shoulder belt, and so on. These flower's color is light pink and dark pink. In front of it, alternately lined up these flowers. In addition, pink threads are used throughout. Flowers are also sewn on the side with pink thread. The inside is checkered in pink.   Randoseru has a lot of memories. It is because elementary school is 6 years. In other words, it has 6 years worth of memories. However, I don't remember much about memories of my elementary school student. So, my artifact story is not written in detail. In the state, I will pick up about two stories and write about them. First, I liked light blue when I chose my rando